Reading Time: < 1 minuteet cli config-output-format setconfigureshow================================set cli config-output-format setset cli terminal width 500set cli scripting-mode onpaste your configcommit ====================show counter global filter delta...

HA LACP limitation

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWarning, only mid to high end models 3xxx, 5xxx ou 7xxx support prempt LACP en HA A/PThis means, that for example 820 in HA mode with LCAP link can take roughly up to 40seconds to failover due to LACP negotiation time with the switches...

Palo Alto User ID/group troubleshooting

Reading Time: < 1 minuteshow all user attributes : show user user-attributes user allDump domain to ID mappings : debug user-id dump domain-id-table domain allshow content of IDMGR : debug user-id dump idmgr type user all debug user-id reset user-id-manager type...

Default Master Key

Reading Time: < 1 minutein very old PANOS version the default Master Key = p1a2l3o4a5l6t7o8 Encryption = AES-256 This was later changed to AES CBC mode with salt = md5(“pannetwork”) =...

UserID Windows Agent from syslog flow

Reading Time: < 1 minuteA good site to test the regex : Event Regex: ‘An account was successfully logged on.’Username Regex: ‘Account Name: ([^-][a-zA-Z0-9-\._]+) ‘ ( this takes out the machines as they finish by...

Crack configuration passwords

Reading Time: < 1 minuteBy default the encryption method is a MD5 Salt encryption. (Same as old Linux easyily recognized by $1$AAA$BBB where AAA is the Salt and BBB is the hash).Therefor bruteforce is possible with tools like John or Hashcat (type 500).Only when it...

Credentials not working

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhen doing Credential Theft feature using the UserID information. From Uadebug files we see a lot of denied access.The following needed doing : dsmgmt.exelocal rolesadd MYDOMAIN\my_serv_user administratorsOriginal...

Firewall initial staging

Reading Time: < 1 minuteadmin / adminconfigureset deviceconfig system ip-address netmask default-gateway dns-setting servers primary show interface managementShow stats for interfaces :...

Defend against Responder

Reading Time: < 1 minuteLLMLR : Disable WPAD can be changed in Group Policy via the Services setting under ComputerConfiguration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > System Services and by disabling the WinHTTP WebProxy Auto-Discover...

Run Apache as non-Root

On Linux, the issue is that if you want a process to listen to a lower port (<1024), then it needs to be run as root. You can circumvent this by running on http as a high port and redirect this high port to port 80.   Example in config file : Listen 8080And...